Demand Side Resource Potential Analysis Methods and Application - Case Study on the City of Huzhou in the Yangtze River Delta


Addressing power supply and demand imbalance through the use of demand-side resources is a relatively new approach at the current stage of power sector development. The analysis and determination of regional demand-side resource potential are a key to enable the scientific and rational development of demand-side resources, including uncovering and realizing their market value. This report proposes a practical methodology for quantifying demand-side resource potential, including a four-quadrant analysis method for prioritizing end user-side resource development. The report provides a basis for advancing demand side resource utilization and market participation from the perspectives of macro government planning, industry sector and enterprises. The city of Huzhou is selected as a case study for the demand-side resource potential analysis to provide theoretical support for the construction of a diversified and highly resilient power grid, as well as the formulation of comprehensive resource planning and green development strategies. 

(This report is in Chinese only. Report summary and flyer are available in English.)   
