Study on the Transformation of the Coking Industry in Shanxi Province Under the “Dual Carbon Goals” of Carbon Emissions Peak and Carbon Neutrality


Shanxi has excess coking capacity, and its scale will expand with the increase in crude steel demand in downstream and the development of electric arc furnace steelmaking and hydrogen-based metallurgy. 

This report considers that Shanxi’s coking industry can achieve peak carbon in the latter part of the 14th Five-Year Plan period by analyzing its current development situation and problems and by investigating the likely trend of the coking industry based on the balance of ‘supply and demand’ under the dual carbon goals. To facilitate the high-quality development of coking industry, this report recommends that during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Shanxi should continue to optimize coking production capacity and layout, extend the coking industry supply chain in the right direction, promote the synergy between energy saving and reduction of pollution and carbon, and strengthen the guidance and support for enterprises. 

The report is only available in Chinese. The executive summary is available in English.  
