Experts Emphasized the Role of Green Hydrogen in Meeting China’s Climate Goals


Depicting a net-zero future, speakers at NRDC’s salon on constructing a New Power System highlighted the role of green hydrogen, including green ammonia as a hydrogen carrier, in a reliable and low-carbon energy system. Following a deep dive on the technical and economic potential of green hydrogen, the salon participants from grid company-affiliated think tank, the renewable energy planning institute, and academia discussed how hydrogen could provide a viable solution in long-term energy storage to support higher renewable energy integration, how hydrogen can decarbonize not only power generation but also transport, industry, and heating, and how an enabling policy and market environment will inspire more technology innovations and business models. The salon, held on March 31, is the first in a series of thematic salons that NRDC and the China Energy Research Society will hold in 2023 to explore the pillars of China's power sector decarbonization. This event and the experts’ views were widely disseminated by major Chinese media, including China Environment News. 
