Report Released at a High-level Climate Finance Industry Gathering


NRDC & CIFA report release at the conference @CIFA

The Climate Investment and Finance Association (CIFA), one the most important players on climate finance in China, held the 2023 China International Conference on Climate Investment and Finance in Beijing with NRDC and other partners. Officials and representatives from Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, think tanks, financial institutions and NGOs were invited to share their insights. Li Gao, Director of the Climate Change Department of MEE and CIFA, emphasized that the next step should be focused on supporting local governments, financial institutions and companies to develop high-quality climate finance projects. NRDC released a report with CIFA at the conference. The report proposed a framework to evaluate climate-friendly enterprises and provided suggestions to governments and financial institutions in climate investment and financing pilot areas in climate transitions. 
