The 15th New Power System Salon: Commercially Viable New Energy Storage


Experts disussing the viability of the new enery storage @NRDC 

Energy storage, in particular new energy storage – batteries and other technologies beyond traditional pumped hydro storage – is key to enabling greater renewable energy integration and ensuring reliable power system operation. To help identify the requisite policy frameworks and market mechanisms to scale up new energy storage utilization, NRDC and the China Energy Research Society (CERS) held the 15th New Power System Salon in Beijing on April 25. Participating experts from think tanks and power enterprises discussed the current development landscape and power market participation of new energy storage, advocating for diversification of revenue streams and drawing insights from international examples from Germany and the United States. The experts also stressed conducting a scientific assessment of new energy storage’s role in flexibility resource pool and preventing potential overcapacity from the installation of low-quality storage projects just to meet the government’s mandatory integration requirements for renewable energy projects. They called for holistic policy and market designs to provide a level playing field for all flexibility resources, especially user-side resources. 
