U.S.-China Low-Carbon Cities Summit Showcases Building Efficiency



NRDC hosted a breakout session on low-carbon buildings during the Second U.S.-China Climate-Smart/ Low-Carbon Cities Summit in Beijing on June 7-8, 2016. More than seventy leading city officials, academics, and NGOs from the two countries convened at the Summit, as well as U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and China State Councilor Yang Jiechi, both of whom delivered opening remarks. The NRDC session, hosted in collaboration with the Rocky Mountain Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and local partners, focused on cities that have already dramatically reduced their carbon footprints with cost-effective, low-carbon building strategies: Shanghai, Urumqi, Weifang, New York City, and Chicago. Following the Summit, NRDC will continue working with Shanghai to develop innovative solutions for the marketization of building energy efficiency retrofits.

