New Power System Salon: Market Mechanisms to Promote Coal Power Transition



NRDC participated in a New Power System Salon hosted by the China Energy Research Society (CERS) to explore effective market mechanisms for enhancing coal power's role in integrating renewable energy while ensuring energy security in early March. Experts from leading think tanks underscored the importance of enhancing power market and pricing reforms, specifically by promoting coal power retrofits and incentivizing flexible demand-side resources through the spot and ancillary services markets. NRDC and the experts called for coordinated efforts among enterprise actions, government mandates, and market mechanisms to achieve the eventual phase-out of coal power. We will incorporate the insights from the Salon into our research project this year on identifying viable market solutions for the construction of a New Power System. 

This event has received widespread coverage in major Chinese media outlets, including Xinhua Finance and China Environment News. 
