Report Released: Jiangsu Province Power Sector Low-Carbon Transformation


Jiangsu Province is one of the most densely populated and economically developed provinces in China, with an industry structure dominated by energy-intensive industries and a high proportion of coal power in its energy mix. 

To help expedite Jiangsu’s clean and low-carbon transition, NRDC, in collaboration with the Jiangsu Province Society of Macroeconomics and the State Grid (Suzhou) City & Energy Research Institute, released a new report, Jiangsu Province Power Sector Low-Carbon Transformation, on December 6. The report reviews the foundations, opportunities, and challenges that Jiangsu faces in its power sector low-carbon transformation, and analyzes the power demand, carbon emission trends, and the cost of power low-carbon transformation under different scenarios. The report proposes a phased pathway and policy recommendations that include scaling up clean energy application, clarifying coal power’s role, increasing clean energy imports, upgrading the power grid, improving power market construction, promoting cross-region coordination, and increasing electrification. 

These recommendations and the report were reported by Xinhua Daily, the most important media in Jiangsu Province, and reposted by Xinhua News Agency. 
