Workshop Launch: Toward Kunming-Montreal GBF


The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), adopted at CBD COP 15, provides a high-level, systematic, and comprehensive guide for global biodiversity conservation in the next decade and until 2050. To fill the knowledge gap and improve the understanding of GBF among key stakeholders and to support its implementation in China, NRDC will organize a series of workshops with 14 partners. On June 17, NRDC launched the “Toward Kunming-Montreal GBF” workshop series, inviting leading scientists and researchers to discuss biodiversity conservation policies and innovative solutions & mechanism to implement GBF. About 300 representatives from government departments, research institutes and conservation groups participated in the event. Officials from Ministry of Ecology and Environment and National Forestry and Grassland Administration opened the event and spoke highly of the workshop series for its substance and timeliness. The keynote speakers included Acting Executive Secretary of the CBD Secretariat David Cooper, Former Chair of IPCC and IPBES Robert Watson, co-chair of IPCC Working Group II Hans-Otto Pörtner, and Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Wei Fuwen. The workshop series will focus on tools and pathways for implementing GBF targets in forest, ocean, protected land, climate and biodiversity synergy, and will provide an effective platform for multi-stakeholders in China to explore concrete actions to realize GBF goals with climate co-benefits. 
