New Power System Salon: Utilization of Energy Resources at Both Generation and Consumption Side



Developing a comprehensive and integrated energy system that considers the utilization of energy resources at both the power generation and consumption side can help achieve a low carbon transformation of the power sector, while also ensuring the safe and reliable operation of the power system. To explore the development path for the integrated energy industry, NRDC and the China Energy Research Society organized a "New Power System Salon" on June 27, bringing together power industry experts to share their insights and engage in discussions. The experts highlighted the potential of a flexible and intelligent power system to enable greater penetration of low-carbon energy resources and maximize energy efficiency. Promoting the growth of the integrated energy industry will lend support and provide solutions for the construction of the new power system. As such, the development of the integrated energy industry and the construction of the new power system mutually reinforce each other. The experts called for adopting cleaner energy sources, increasing electrification, enhancing system flexibility, utilizing demand-driven approaches, and achieving mutual complementarity and industry integration within a defined framework. 

The salon was covered by key media, including Minsheng Weekly of People’s Daily and National Business Daily. 
