Promoting Low-carbon Transition in Rural Counties


Over 60% of carbon emission of China is contributed by about 2,000 rural counties. Low-carbon transition of these counties are therefore vital to achieve the dual carbon goals. Working with the China Academy of Building Science and China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group, NRDC selected two counties in Shanxi for pilot research, Lingqiu and Quwo. At the end of June, the research team visited Shanxi and held a workshop in Lingqiu County. The workshop invited experts from the Energy Research Institute, the Centre of Science and Technology & Industrialization Development of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Rural Energy and Environment Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, as well as representatives of local government, county  residents and media. The experts emphasized that low-carbon transitions in rural counties need to bring benefits to local people and local governments, making the transition more sustainable and resilient. Despite government budget constraints, urgent investment in low-carbon transition is necessary. Leveraging social capital becomes essential, considering the fact that rural counties are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. 

People's Daily, China News Agency, and China Environment News covered the workshop. 
