Advocating for Pollution and Carbon Emission Reduction in Industrial Parks


While industrial parks contribute to more than half of China’s GDP, they are also a major source of pollution and carbon emissions. NRDC has been working with partners to research and advocate for pollution and carbon emission reduction in industrial parks. 

On October 26, the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and local government agencies in Inner Mongolia organized “2023 Conference on Green and Low-carbon Development in Industrial Parks”, with support from NRDC and other partners. Over 200 attendees joined the conference, including policymakers from local environmental agencies, industry experts, and representatives from industrial parks and enterprises in Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui Provinces. 


Jieqing Zhang, NRDC China Country Director, was invited to deliver a keynote speech. She emphasized that industrial parks are facing double pressures from energy transition and industrial pollution control. She highlighted the importance of synergizing the reduction of pollution and carbon emissions in industrial parks, and called for  improving the management system for reducing pollution and carbon emissions, accelerating integration of carbon emission control with environmental impact assessment management, and developing a comprehensive carbon accounting system for industrial parks, which was quoted by Xinhua News Agency and China News Service. 
