Roadshow Workshops in Key Port Regions


In support of China's efforts to combat shipping and port air pollution, NRDC organized a series of workshops in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangzhou from September 21-25, 2015. Mr. Peter Mollema, a senior executive at Port of Rotterdam Authority, and Ms. Geraldine Knatz, a professor at the University of Southern California, shared their experiences in cleaning up air emissions and GHG emissionsfrom ports and shipping while maintaining port growth (the two experts also wrote an op-ed published in The Journal of Commerce). Nearly 70 officials and researchers attended, including those from national, municipal and regional transport and environmental agencies. The workshops covered emission inventories, clean port plans, emissions regulations and enforcement, and Emissions Control Areas. The workshops were very well received, and participants are eager to continue collaborating closely with NRDC to design and enforce effective port programs in China.
