Leveraging BRI Green Development to Tackle Climate Change

2017-11-17 Author: Fuqiang Yang

The blog is only available in Chinese. The main points are summarized below:

It's in China's own interest to reduce emission both at home and aboard. Climate change affects us all. China, as one of the countries that are most vulnerable to climate impacts, has reaffirmed its commitment to Paris Agreement and released a series of guidelines to emphasize green development in its Belt and Road Initiative this year. 

To leverage BRI green development to tackle climate change, China shall bring its extensive expertise and best practices in renewables and energy efficiency to BRI countries. See 2016 report by the International Renewable Energy Agency: prices for solar PV modules and wind turbines have fallen roughly 80 percent and 30 to 40 percent respectively since 2009, thanks to technology improvements and economies of scale by China and other countries that have invested heavily and installed large amounts of solar and wind capacity. See 2016 report from ACEEE on world energy efficiency rankings: China is at #6 and US is at #8.

Other suggestions to promote BRI green development: conduct Integrated Resource Strategic Planning in recipient countries, develop strict power sector oversea investment guidelines, develop green finance to guide green development, and promote global energy interconnection for resources optimization. 

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