Green Bank Congress Promotes Investment in Low-carbon Technologies


The fully implementation of pledges made in the Paris Agreement will require the energy sector to invest USD 840 billion annually in energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies from now until 2030. However, the globally agreed climate goals will not be reached by public funding alone. By leveraging private investment, green banks are designed to increase investment in and deployment of clean energy. Recognizing China’s leading role in green finance development, the Green Bank Network held this year’s congress in Shanghai in collaboration with China’s Green Finance Committee and its Shanghai and Shenzhen sub-committees. NRDC serves as one of the secretariats of GBN. Approximately 150 participants and over 20 experts from more than ten countries attended the conference, sharing successful business cases and lessons on the role of green banks. More information about the conference can be found here

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Green Banks Around the Globe: 2018 Year in Review 
