Convening Experts across the Globe on Capping Coal Consumption


The 5th China Coal Consumption Cap and Energy Transition International Workshop was held in Beijing on November 21, 2018. The workshop participants reflected on China’s efforts to date in cutting coal use during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), as well as provided their outlook on coal consumption reduction during the second half of the plan. Government and expert representatives from the UK, Korea, Indonesia and the Coal Transitions project introduced coal reduction experiences from their countries. Experts attending the workshop emphasized the need to redouble efforts to reverse the rebound in coal consumption in China in order to meet Thirteenth Five Year Plan energy development, air quality and carbon emissions control goals. This workshop was co-hosted by the China Coal Cap Project and the China Energy Conservation Association (CECA), and supported by the UK Children’s Investment Foundation (CIFF), NRDC, the Energy Foundation China (EFC) and the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) . Over 350 people attended the workshop, including representatives from central and local government agencies, domestic and overseas research institutes, enterprises, and environmental NGOs. 
