Boosting Efforts to Reduce Coal Consumption at Provincial Level


On May 12, the China Coal Cap Project helped the Shanxi Energy Bureau design and deliver its first online training on reducing coal consumption. Project experts including research partners from Wuhan and Xi’an joined the training, emphasizing the importance of reducing coal consumption, and sharing good practices and lessons learned with over 1500 provincial and city-level energy regulators and practitioners across Shanxi, China’s third largest coal user. The Shanxi Energy Bureau leads provincial efforts on energy transition and structural reform. A week later, the Project joined the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and China’s Center for Climate Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) for a technical exchange meeting on NDC implementation. The Project presented key findings from a progress assessment of China’s low-carbon transition, and our recommendations on selecting pilot provinces for climate collaboration were well received by stakeholders from the government and research institutions. 
