Supporting Shandong Province’s Coal Reduction Efforts


Photo @ Mary Ray on Unsplash  

Shandong is one of China’s economic powerhouse and largest electricity and coal consumer. To support Shandong’s clean energy transition, the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), NRDC and others teamed up to implement a China Prosperity Fund project, “Designing and Implementing Coal Transition Mechanisms that work for China - A Case Study in Shandong Province.” NRDC organized the first internal interim review meeting on January 7. Presenters from RMI, NRDC and 4C Offshore wind consultancy shared interim research results on coal power optimization analysis, demand response international experience and offshore wind development, respectively. Thirteen industry experts from government, generation company and grid company-affiliated research institutes, academia, and industry shared their insights and provided valuable input on the research findings and next steps in developing concrete recommendations for transitioning Shandong’s power sector to low-carbon resources. The work products will be further refined for release in the coming months.
