Ecological Restoration of Coal Mines in Inner Mongolia


On June 3, NRDC and the Ordos Forest and Grassland International Cooperation Office jointly held the meeting to discuss on the ecological restoration and the development of renewables in the coal mining subsidence areas in Inner Mongolia (IM). As one of the biggest coal-producing and consuming provinces in China, IM is facing pressure to control its energy consumption and reduce its energy intensity. Since half of IM's land is assigned as an ecological protection redline area where no new mining, wind power, or photovoltaic solar projects will be permitted, it has to depend on the remaining land, which includes abandoned mines, to develop renewable energy. The IM government agencies, the research institutes and the coal mines participated in the meeting and discussed on the ways to best use the abandoned coal mines to benefit both the environment and energy transition. NRDC introduced the work carried out in Inner Mongolia and future plans. NRDC’s work was appreciated by the participants and good advice was given to the future plans. NRDC plans to work with the partners on Buertai coal mine in IM to conduct research and provide recommendations on how to reuse the abandoned mines through ecological restoration. 
