Guiding EVs to Participate in EV-Grid Integration


Pic @ Michael Fousert on Unsplash

The rapid development of EVs in China could have an adverse impact on the stability of electric grid if large-scale EV charging is not managed. On the other hand, well-planned EV-grid integration could help smooth the load curve and balance electricity supply and demand. NRDC and China EV100 (EV100) are developing an EV-Grid Integration Capacity Building Guidebook (Guidebook) to educate industry actors and equip them with the information necessary to help their customers (i.e. EV owners) participate in EV-grid integration projects. A review meeting for the draft Guidebook was held on June 29 to collect comments from experts in the industry. Experts from the China Electricity Council, State Grid EV Company, China Electric Power Research Institute, EV manufacturers, and EV charging infrastructure companies shared their insights on key technical barriers, such as battery life and cycling effect, supporting policies needed such as financial aid and standardization, and approaches to integrating distributed renewable energy. NRDC anticipates that the Guidebook will be further refined and finalized by the end of August. 
