Report Release: Five Challenges Facing EV Charging Service Market in China


As Chinese policymakers are now shifting their focus from subsidizing EV purchase to incentivizing charging infrastructure development, the charging service market faces great opportunities and challenges. NRDC, together with China EV100, recognized as China’s top EV think tank, released a report entitled “Developing a Healthy Charging Service Market for Electric Vehicles in China.” The report provides timely analysis and policy recommendations for addressing five challenges in developing a robust charging service market. The report release event also included presentations and panel discussions by high-profile speakers from the government, utility EV service companies and leading charging service providers regarding China’s charging infrastructure and charging service market development. The report release was widely covered by major Chinese media outlets. China News Energy, the most authoritative energy news outlet in China, published three articles (Article 1, Article 2, Article 3) on the report and event. 
