Promoting Emissions Control in Ports and Shipping


To support port and shipping emissions reduction in China, NRDC hosted two workshops on June 24 titled – “Integrating Air Pollution Assessment into the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Ports” and “Controlling NOx Emissions from Inland and Coastal Ships.” During the events, international experience on integrating impacts of mobile sources (ships and induced transportation) into port EIAs and policies adopted abroad for controlling shipping NOx emissions were introduced. Experts from the Transport Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport (MOT), Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering of the MOT, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Vehicle Emission Control Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and representatives from vessel emission control equipment manufacturers discussed how international experience can be applied in China. Based on the experts’ discussion, NRDC will refine the research reports with recommendations for Chinese policymakers on these two topics. On June 26, NRDC travelled to Brussels to attend the kickoff meeting of an EU-funded research project that evaluates technologies for monitoring the compliance of individual ships to air pollution regulations. As a stakeholder from China, NRDC shared the needs of China on enforcing its own shipping emission regulations, and will help disseminate research progress and findings with regulators in China. 
