Transition Insurance Salon: A Greater Role for Insurance in Energy Transition


Salon discussion @NRDC 

The insurance industry plays an important role in the low-carbon transition. It could provide both a buffer for the losses resulting from climate risks and long-term investments, which could be leveraged to support green assets. The Guidelines on Further Strengthening Financial Support for Green and Low-carbon Development, recently issued by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and five other ministries, call for a quick development of green insurance. NRDC and the International Institute of Green Finance of the Central University of Finance and Economics CUFE (IIGF)  jointly organized a salon to discuss paths for insurance to support industrial transition on April 25. Based on the joint research of NRDC and IIGF, the salon experts discussed the type and transmission path of transition risk. With the current situation and trend of the insurance industry in consideration, the experts introduced  advanced policies and best practices of  transition insurance. Experts from key transition industries, such as automobile and metallurgy, discussed on the application and innovation of transition insurance. The salon experts also provided suggestions on policies, products, services, and risk management. 

The salon was reported by Financial News and Sina Finance

NRDC is one of the few international organizations exploring insurance to facilitate climate finance in China. 
