Working Hand-in-Hand with Local Community in Snares Clearing Event at National Park


An adult female tiger’s footprint found in the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park

To encourage community-led effort with the participation of different social sectors in the construction of China’s national parks, a snares clearing event was jointly organized by the Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park Administration, NRDC and Friends of Nature in Wangqing County, Jilin Province, in Northeastern China, on December 19. Over 60 participants attend the event, including local villagers, administration staff members, and representatives from the National Forest and Grassland Administration, environmental organizations, research institutions and British Embassy. During the morning session, participants discussed how to prevent and manage human-tiger conflict, and exchanged ideas on developing sustainable community livelihood. In the afternoon, guided by local villagers, all the representatives joined the hill patrolling activity, searching and removing snares. The event raises public awareness on biodiversity protection and promotes the harmonious co-existence of human and nature. Xinhua, CCTV, and the Paper, one of the top social media news outlets in China, covered the event, reaching over a million audience.
