High-Level Roundtable to Promote System Flexibility in a New Power System


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China’s installed wind and solar power capacity is projected to grow at an annual rate of 120GW by 2025 as China moves forward with its carbon peaking and carbon neutrality targets. As such, the power grid must be able to operate much more flexibly to maintain power system as share of variable renewable generation increases. As a part of NRDC’s stakeholder engagement initiative, the Power Sector Roundtable (PSR) held a year-end forum on Improving Flexibility from Multiple Dimensions on December 23 to promote expert dialogue and common understanding on this issue. Scholars from China Energy Research Society and North China Electricity Power University delivered keynote speeches on flexible resource utilization, retrofitting coal-fired power plants, and techno-economic analysis of different methods for improving system flexibility. Then, experts from the Energy Research Institute, China Energy Research Society and Renmin University shared their insights on top-down market rules design, the roadmap for improving system flexibility, and demand-side resources development. The experts recommend strengthening high-level design, further developing market-based incentive mechanisms and expanding the pool of market actors. NRDC will build on the rich discussion and recommendations to promote power system flexibility improvements, as well as hold additional topic-specific PSR salons next year to support early carbon peaking in the power sector. 
