Deep Dive on Policies and Mechanisms Supporting Renewable Energy Scale-up


@Rodolfo Clix on Pexels  

NRDC and China Energy Research Society (CERS) held the third in this year’s series of salons on constructing a New Power System characterized by a high penetration of renewable energy on May 30.  The first two salon events focused specifically on the power grid system and market systems, and the third salon addressed the more comprehensive mechanisms needed to scale up renewable energy. Experts from government affiliated-think tank, power company, and power system planning institute reviewed the relevant policies, key technology solutions needed to accommodate a high penetration of renewable energy, and a system for renewable energy integration from both a spatial and a temporal perspective. Specific topics addressed included policies on  renewable energy integration responsibility allocation design, the shift towards a dual carbon emissions and intensity control system from the current dual energy consumption and intensity control system, and the involvement of green electricity trading and green electricity certificate system. The experts also discussed improving system flexibility through hydrogen power, energy storage, demand response, microgrids and distributed energy to balance the loads with intermittent renewable energy; as well as how different stakeholders could improve their ability in forecasting and integrated energy services to actively accomodate the development of renewable energy. The experts’ insights digest will be shared via NRDC’s long-term stakeholder engagement mechanism, the High-Level Power Sector Roundtable (PSR),  and industry media for broader dissemination. 
