International Workshop: Advancing Power Planning and Market Initiatives for Renewable Energy Development


NRDC China Country Director Zhang Jieqing speaking at the workshop @NRDC 

NRDC and the China Electricity Council (CEC) jointly organized an international workshop on "Facilitating Coordination between Planning and Market for Power Sector Low-Carbon Transition" in Beijing on April 19. The workshop brought Chinese and foreign experts together to share country-specific experiences in the United States, United Kingdom, and China to enhance the collective understanding of the linkage between power system planning and accompanying market mechanisms in achieving a higher penetration of renewable energy. In particular, the case studies from the Western U.S. and China underscored the importance of coordinated regional power planning, cross-regional market integration, and effective spot markets, while the best practices from the UK’s Review of Electricity Market Arrangements demonstrated how effective power market arrangements can drive a secure and low-carbon power system forward. Experts from China also called out the urgency of power-carbon market synergy to support sustainable renewable energy development and the orderly phase-out of coal power as the main backbone of system reliability. 
