Coal Cap International Workshop Provides Policy Recommendations to Cap Coal Consumption in the 13th Five Year Plan



The China Coal Cap Project successfully held the "International Workshop on China Coal Consumption Cap Strategy: Looking Ahead to the 13th Five Year Plan" on November 4-5, 2015 in Beijing. There were over 300 attendees from government, research institutes, international groups, NGOs and the media. NRDC's Dr. Fuqiang Yang presented the Coal Cap Project's research of the past two years on the impact of coal on China's air, water and climate, outlining the transition from coal to clean energy. He also detailed the project's recommendations for the 13th Five Year Plan's coal cap policy, stating that China should reduce its coal consumption from 66% of primary energy to less than 58% by 2020. This key recommendation was covered in over 100 news articles, including the official Xinhua news and the front page of China Coal News. Many local government representatives and enterprises also engaged in productive discussion at the workshop roundtable. We expect to continue working with government officials and business leaders in 2016 on the local implementation of coal cap projects.

Please click here to download workshop materials. 
